I Get Paid To Search Google? Click Play To See:

Free Gift: First Few Buyers Also Get The '$500 Emergency Cash Booster' Upgrade (Worth $97) - 100% FREE!

  • Folks earn first paycheck within a week of setting this up
  • The little-known Google program pays $500+/month for referrals
  • The automated 'search funnel' that sends you dozens of leads each week
  • 60-day results guarantee - this works for you, or you pay nothing 
  • Working now in 2024 - Recession/pandemic proof business model 
  • Set and forget system that earns passive weekly commissions. 
  • NO Limits - YOU are in complete control of how much you earn 

4th Of July Sale - Now Only

$97 monthly - Pay Just $9 Once And Use Forever!

YES! Secure My Spot In Rank N Bank Now.

Proof: I Earn $500 Recurring Commission Payments From This Google Program.

My name is Luther Landro, and for the past year, I've been earning thousands of dollars per month passively with a little-known Google program.

The payments you see above are passive commissions I've been earning for helping Google roll out their new Guarantee program.

Regular folks around the country have been earning small fortunes with this program, some taking to YouTube to show off their earnings:

It's All Possible Thanks To A Brand New $2.3 Billion Dollar Incentive From Google.

You see, Google has been quietly rolling out a new program called 'Google Guarantee' for service companies.

Service businesses like contractors, plumbers, electricians, house cleaners, photographers... Basically, any local business that provides a service requiring a pre-scheduled appointment.

Once a business signs up for Google Guarantee, their listing leapfrogs to the top of Google results, being placed above regular results, maps, and even text ads.

The business's number appears right at the top of search results, making it the first choice for customers.

Google also adds a 'Google Guarantee' Badge that makes the listing instantly stand out:

Now, this badge is not just decorative...

Google is actually guaranteeing the business's work up to $2000. Searchers are far more likely to pick a business that has this guarantee over the ones that don't.

This program is a dream come true for local businesses that need to generate leads and appointments.

Right now, Google Certified agencies are offering huge incentives to anyone that can refer a business to this program.

They are paying $500/month commissions to anyone that can refer them to a business that wants to sign up for this program:

These payments keep coming in month after month from each referral you send them.

Google Search Hack Uncovers Untapped Opportunity...

Google is rolling out this program one niche and city at a time.

That means there are local niche and location combinations that have not yet taken advantage of this program and are completely untapped.

A simple Google search hack can uncover these opportunities:

These businesses are eligible for Google Guarantee but have not yet signed up!

YOU can earn a $500 monthly commission just for referring these biz owners to a Google Certified agency that will do all the work for you.

Automated Emails Get These Business Owners On The Hook

My sales strategy is simple yet sneaky:

I email each business in an untapped area, telling them about Google's Guarantee program and include a full walkthrough on how to set it up themselves.

Yep... I give away the farm in every email.

This non-sales approach means no rejection or spam complaints... Most business owners reply back, thankful for alerting them to this new program.

Now there's one little catch to the Google Guarantee program, and it's the sneaky part of this strategy...

In order to keep their listing at the top, the business must be actively spending money on Google's Adwords program.

Nearly every business owner I send this message to replies back, eager to sign up to the program and have all the work setting it up and managing their Adwords account done for them.

Automated Emails + Google Agency Commissions = Big $$$

I simply forward each business that replies to me to a Google-certified agency that handles setting up their Google Guarantee listing and manages their Adwords account so they can stay at the top of Google search.

For every client that I refer, they pay me a $500 monthly commission.

After 4-5 referrals, the residual payments start to add up fast to a nice passive side income. Some of my students have been hustling hard, booking a new referral a day, earning $500/day, and setting themselves up for huge residual commission checks every month.

The More Businesses We Refer, The More Money We Make

Some of my students are booking 1-2 referrals per DAY by hustling hard and sending out as many emails as possible, while others are using 'passive lead magnets' to do little work while generating 1-2 new referrals per week.

The more referrals we book, the more money we make:

5 referrals earns $2,500 per month or $30,000 per year

10 referrals earns $5,000 per month or $60,000 per year

20 referrals earns $10,000 per month or $120,000 per year

The best part:That's NOT counting the recurring commissions earned from long-term clients...

Each business that signs up for this service is a prime target to sell other services to.

Services like SEO, social media marketing, ad management...

Services that can be outsourced to other agencies that pay an even higher commission:

When a referred business signs up for these services, the monthly commission jumps to $2,500 or more. That's a monthly recurring commission check for each referral!

At $2,500/month, it only takes 4 sales to earn a passive $10,000 per month income.

YOU are in total control of how much you earn. The more groups you create, the more you connect, and the more you earn.

All The Work is Already Done For You

Google's certified agencies do all the work for you, including closing the client, so there are:

Pro Tip: NEVER try to sell these leads or do the work yourself

Sure, with this search hack, your inbox will be filled with business owners ready to pay you to help manage their Google Guarantee program.

Just remember that the Google Certified agencies have TEAMS of professionals behind them to handle every aspect of consulting:

Their sales team calls your leads and closes deals with a professional sales presentation.

Their Google experts guarantee your client's first position ranking in Google over their competitors.

Their 24/7 support staff answers all your client's questions.

Bottom line: Let these agencies do ALL the work and pay you your commission (I've already negotiated top-dollar payouts on your behalf).

I mean, why do all the work yourself when there's already a program that does it for you?

And that program is called:

Introducing: Rank N Bank

Rank N Bank is an on-demand coaching program that earns you passive commission payments by referring local businesses to Google's new Guarantee program.

I've taken this entire commission-generating strategy and broken it down into a step-by-step checklist that anyone can follow to duplicate my results, PLUS an on-demand coaching program to cover every aspect of running a lead referral program.

Inside you'll discover:

Warning: This is NOT about spamming, mass messaging, or paying for Ads

Rank N Bank is an entirely different approach that leverages a google search hack and rejection proof approach.

Many folks who try to make money in consulting fall into a few traps that you MUST avoid:

3 Easy Steps to Passive Recurring Income

Rank N Bank earns you passive commission paychecks in 3 easy steps:

Automated Step 1: Search!

Use a simple Google search hack to uncover businesses that are eligible but not yet signed up for Google's Guarantee program.

Then copy & paste an automated email sequence to get them interested in joining the program.

Automated Step 2: Rank!

Simply forward all the replies your automated funnel generates to official Google-certified agencies...

These Google agencies close the deal and get businesses ranked using the Guarantee program. They keep working with the business every month to keep them at the top of Google and generate customers.

Automated Step 3: Bank!

YOU get paid a huge, recurring commission for each referral that signs up for Google Guarantee...

Once a business sees their listing at the top of search results and starts getting customers, they are hooked for life...

YOU get a commission check for every month they stay in the program...

Optional Step 4: REPEAT!

Repeat this process as many times as you like to build the recurring income you desire.

YOU are in control of your earnings with Rank N Bank.

4th Of July Sale - Now Only

$97 monthly - Pay Just $9 Once And Use Forever!

YES! Secure My Spot In Rank N Bank Now.

Rank N Bank is A Shortcut

Most online businesses require that you create a product or have a service to offer clients. Then you have to deal with customer support, refunds, and of course, building funnels to generate sales in the first place.

Rank N Bank is different... You leverage a powerful search hack to generate business leads, then get paid a referral fee to forward those leads to the agencies that need them.

Here's how it works:

Perhaps the best part is just how easy Rank N Bank is for beginners... You can be up and running with your first referral in minutes, getting paid commissions for years once it's set up.

Rank N Bank Freed Me To Have The Life I Desire, On My Terms.

I live a fairly simple life... I don't drive a Ferrari or fly a private Jet. Sure, I have a huge 6,000sq foot house and take 6 vacations a year with my family.

However, I'm just an ordinary family man who values his time more than flashy objects.

Having a passive 6-figure income source makes life easier in the little ways:

If You've Ever Tried To Earn Money From Home And Failed, It's Not Your Fault

If you have ever tried a 'make money from home program in the past, you've probably realized they are not as easy as they are made out to be.

The case against most online income programs:

I've been involved in all of these business models with varying degrees of success over the years, and I'd rather earn my $50,000 a month passive checks any day.

There's an Easy, Proven Way to Earn Money Online.

Imagine: You do a simple search to uncover businesses that are not yet taking advantage of Google's Guarantee Program. Untapped low-hanging fruit...

You use automated email marketing to get them begging you to help them sign up for the program.

You refer each one to a Google Certified agency to do all the work...

You Bank recurring monthly commissions for each referral.

You then upsell the clients to earn even more money with other services.

Listen: It doesn't take that many referrals to earn a 6 or even 7-figure income.

Rank N Bank is all about earning as much money as possible and working as little as possible.

Maximum money in minimum time.

You can set up as many or as few groups as you like to earn the income you need for the lifestyle that you desire.

Whether you're looking for a side hustle to help with bills, or you want to build a multi-million-dollar local business lead empire...

Rank N Bank will get you there.

The best part is just how passive this income source is... You set it and forget it!

4th Of July Sale - Now Only

$97 monthly - Pay Just $9 Once And Use Forever!

YES! Secure My Spot In Rank N Bank Now.

Rank N Bank Came From a Moment of Desperation

Adam Harris, a student of mine from Virginia Beach, came to me looking for a fast, reliable way to earn passive income online. During the pandemic, he had lost his job and was quickly piling up credit card debt trying to pay his bills.

His criteria for a money-making opportunity were simple:

Adam tried everything, and I was his last hope.

My goal was to take him from 0 to $10,000 a month as quickly as possible.

Since he was desperate with no money to spend and had no experience, I knew there was one place he'd be able to do it: Google's Guarantee program.

Over the past year, I have perfected a method to find businesses that were not in this program yet.

And earn a passive commission, referring them to Google Certified agencies to get them set up.

This Google side-hustle has been a reliable passive income for me for years, and I KNEW this was the perfect side hustle for Adam.

Referral agencies did the work... Automated sales emails provided the leads... Adam would get paid as a middle man.

I created a checklist that broke down the whole process into step-by-step instructions. No detail was left out, from searching Google for leads and automated emails to get them on the hook to handing off the leads and getting paid.

After an hour coaching call, armed with this checklist, Adam went to work.

It took him about a week to see his first check... then another a few days later.

After a month, he was receiving paychecks every week, and after 3 months, he was earning a passive full-time income from all the referrals he had generated.

The best part was that all of this was completely set and forget... Passive income.

From Thousands in Debt to Thousands in Passive Income.

Adam's life changed completely.

Now he never worries about bills, has all the free time in the world to spend with his family, and can focus on pursuing his passions rather than struggling to keep up.

All This Was Possible Thanks to a New Google Referral Program.

Google Guarantee's referral program is a goldmine for anyone that wants to build a passive income.

Think about it: Other consulting opportunities require you to rank the client's website, constantly make content for their social media or provide difficult services to the client.

Not to mention supporting the client, answering calls, and keeping them sold and happy every month.

Rank N Bank is different. You simply sign up the business to Google's Guarantee Program, and the agency handles the rest while you collect your passive monthly commission checks.

Being the middle man, connecting biz owners to Google's Guarantee program is the easiest way to take advantage of the opportunity.

This loophole allows anyone with no previous experience to jump in the middle and collect passive commission payments.

DON'T try to reinvent the wheel.

Find where the money is already flowing and simply get in the middle of it.

You see, there are dozens of Google-approved agencies that offer Google's Guarantee service.

These agencies are HUNGRY for clients, typically spending tens of thousands of dollars on ads every month to get leads and clients.

They are more than happy to pay a $500/month (or more) commission to anyone that can refer them to a client.

Automated email marketing is the perfect way to connect the two... Earning massive commissions just for forwarding an email.

No Experience Required

Rank N Bank was designed for a desperate student who had no previous experience.

I've refined this checklist by giving it to other students in similar situations and adding to it based on their feedback.

Everything is broken down into step-by-step instructions. Do this... then do this... then do this... No steps or details are left out.

Put an End to Financial Struggles.

Do you find yourself caught up in the 9-5 rat race?

You go into debt to pay for the things you need, then work 40 hours a week or more to pay off those debts...

...Only to find that debt is increasing every year.

Imagine: Having a source of income that requires no set schedule.

YOU work when you want... Just 30 minutes a day to set this up and grow your passive commissions.

YOU have no limit on your income. Your commissions increase every month.

YOU never have to deal with people... This entire business is handled on Google and over email.

NO annoying clients, affiliates, bosses, or customers. YOU get paid as a middle man and let Google Certified agencies do all the hard work for you.

4th Of July Sale - Now Only

$97 monthly - Pay Just $9 Once And Use Forever!

YES! Secure My Spot In Rank N Bank Now.

Everything You Need is Included.

Rank N Bank gives you everything you need to earn a passive income by exploiting this Google loophole successfully.

You're getting the same checklist that my student Adam used to get out of debt and find financial freedom.

Follow this checklist to have your first group set up in just 30 minutes... A group that will generate leads the next day and start earning commission checks within a week.

You're also getting my master list of Google Certified referral agencies that are paying recurring commissions.

As a customer of Rank N Bank, you're already approved to start sending leads to these agencies and earning a commission.

Just connect the businesses you find in your Google search to the approved Google agencies, and you'll be earning a fast commission on each one that gets sold.

And to make sure this is the last income opportunity you ever need, I'm including an on-demand coaching program to cover every detail of running this business.

Inside you'll discover:

Special Bonus: Zero-Hour Workday Outsourcing Guide

My zero-hour workday guide provides you with a Rolodex of outsourcers who will do all the work implementing Rank N Bank for you for a small fee.

These are the same outsourcers I use to help me grow my business while spending less time working.

Hiring people to do the work for you is the real secret to working smarter and not harder... It's also the secret to scaling any business from 6 to 7 figures a year.

Ok, Luther, I'm in... How Much Will This Cost Me?

Rank N Bank is designed as an on-demand coaching program as well as a done-for-you checklist that can earn 6 figures a year in just 30 minutes a day.

How much would Rank N Bank be worth to you if it helped you build a $100,000 per year passive income?




My coaching students pay $5,000 for my one-on-one coaching, PLUS $497/month for access to this on-demand training... Which I'm sure you'd agree is a small price to pay for a program that has helped countless students build 6-figure passive incomes.

Look, here's the deal:

I will be launching Rank N Bank to the general public in a few weeks as a monthly coaching program.

The cost will be $497/month, which is a steal considering this program is proven to generate 6-figure paychecks after setting up a few groups.

However, before I do that, I want to include a few more testimonials from regular folks that are going out there and earning money with this program.

And so you won't be paying the retail webinar price of $497/month, not even half that.

In fact, you won't be paying a monthly fee at all to access this on-demand coaching.

Act right now, and you are getting unlimited access to the entire Rank N Bank program for a one-time low payment of only $17.

4th Of July Sale - Now Only

$97 monthly - Pay Just $9 Once And Use Forever!

YES! Secure My Spot In Rank N Bank Now.

You're Protected by our Iron-Clad 60-Day Guarantee

Rank N Bank is Guaranteed to Work For You, or You Pay Nothing.

Now legally, I can't guarantee that you will make money; however, I can guarantee your satisfaction.

And so I want you to try Rank N Bank on me for a full 60 days.

If during that time you don't get the results that you desire

If you don't find this to be the easiest way to earn passive income from home...

Or even if you don't like my color choices in the member's area, any reason at all...

Just send me a support ticket with the word refund, and I'll send you back every penny.

No questions, no hassles.

You can even keep your copy of Rank N Bank as my gift for trying it out.

Look at Everything You Are Getting in the Rank N Bank Coaching Program

Total Value of Everything


$635 + $594/month

4th Of July Sale - Now Only

$97 monthly - Pay Just $9 Once And Use Forever!

YES! Secure My Spot In Rank N Bank Now.

Don't Decide Now...

Try This Risk-Free On Me.

Take advantage of my unconditional triple guarantee.

Just try Rank N Bank on me for a full 60 days.

If you don't book at least 3 businesses in that time...

If you don't earn the money, you feel you deserve...

Even if you don't like the color choices in the guidebook and reason at all...

Just send me an email with the word refund, and I'll send you back every penny. No questions, no hassles.

You can even keep the coaching program and all the bonuses as my gift for trying it out.

4th Of July Sale - Now Only

$97 monthly - Pay Just $9 Once And Use Forever!

YES! Secure My Spot In Rank N Bank Now.

Are You Ready to Experience True Financial Freedom?

Are you ready to give up the 9-5 grind?

Are you ready to pay off your debts and start building real wealth?

Rank N Bank is the most reliable, stable way to do it.

YOU now have everything you need to earn a passive income exploiting this lucrative Google loophole.

4th Of July Sale - Now Only

$97 monthly - Pay Just $9 Once And Use Forever!

YES! Secure My Spot In Rank N Bank Now.

Right Now, You Have 3 Choices.

Choice 1 is you can do nothing, which leads to a place called nowhere.

Your debt will continue to pile up while slaving away for 40 hours a week, helping make other people rich.

Choice 2is you can take the information on this page and try to go it alone. Sure, if you take careful notes, you'll see some success... However, you'll be learning the hard way through trial and error.

Or Choice 3, the smart choice Join the Rank N Bank coaching program to have all the work done for you and start experiencing financial freedom today.

I know you'll make the only smart choice, and I'll see you inside.

- Luther Landro.

P.S. Regular folks all around the world are using Rank N Bank to bank $5,000 commissions after just 30 minutes of work from home.

YOU have a full 60 days to put this to work for you with your satisfaction backed by an iron-clad 100% 60-day guarantee.

P.P.S. This offer is only good for the next few days, and I am NOT keeping this promotion open for long.

4th Of July Sale - Now Only

$97 monthly - Pay Just $9 Once And Use Forever!

YES! Secure My Spot In Rank N Bank Now.


Q: What is this?

A: Rank N Bank is an on-demand coaching program that earns you passive commission payments referring businesses to Google's Guarantee program.

Q: Is this something I have never seen before?

A: This method has NEVER been revealed publicly. The lead sources are entirely new, and the agencies are hand-picked. This is the first time I'm showing any of this.

Q: Is this really newbie-friendly?

A: Absolutely! Everything is presented in a step-by-step fashion that uses copy/paste materials. No experience is needed. If you can send an email, you can run this business from home.

Q: How exactly does this work?

A: You use a Google search hack to find businesses that are eligible but not signed up for Google's Guarantee program. You then use an automated email system to find the ones that are interested and forward them to Google-certified agencies that pay you a monthly commission for each one.

Q: Does this include a free traffic method?

A: YES! All of the leads generated in this program come from free LinkedIn methods.

Q: How much can I make with this?

A: Legally, we can't guarantee that you make any money with this as most people won't put it into action. That said, the commission on each client can range from $500 - $5,000 per month. Depending on how many clients you land, this can earn anything between $50,000 - over $1,000,000 a year in fees.

Q: How long until I start making money using this?

A: Customers have seen their first paycheck in as little as a week. However, how long it takes depends entirely on how fast you are willing to put this into action.

Q: Do you offer a money-back guarantee?

A: YES! You have a full 60 days to try this out for yourself. If you are not completely 100% satisfied, for any reason at all, just send me a quick email with the word refund, and I'll send you back every penny. No hassles, no questions.

Q: How do I get instant access to this?

A: After you click the buy button and complete the checkout, you will be granted immediate access to the member's area, where you can access everything listed, as well as a few more surprise bonuses I have for you.

Q: What is the best way to onboard a new client?

A: All of this is handled for you! The best part about working for agencies is YOU don't have to deal with clients once they are sold. You hand them off to professionals who will onboard them over the phone and through webinars for you.

Q: How do I price my services or product?

A: All the prices are built into these agencies with a generous markup for you. Each service has a different price range, and you'll learn the optimal pricing in the master class.

Q: How can someone start an agency part-time while keeping their full-time job?

A: This requires only 30 minutes to set up and 30 minutes a week to manage emails. You can do this early in the morning while you have your coffee or late at night before bed.

Q: On average, how many hours should you spend on each client?

A: NONE! The best part is once this is set up, the agencies do all the work for you while you earn a lifetime commission on every dollar they spend.

Q: How do you scale up your business when bringing on more clients?

A: You can add as many LinkedIn groups as you like to generate as many clients as you want. I also offer private coaching to help you take this to the next level, offering even more services to clients.

Q: How do I get access to this? 

A: After you click the buy button and complete the checkout, you will get immediate access to the member's area, where you can access everything listed, as well as a few more surprise bonuses I have for you. Your login will arrive in your email inbox with the subject line "your login info..." shortly after purchase. If you don't receive this email message, please open a ticket at landroinnercircle.com/support/  

4th Of July Sale - Now Only

$97 monthly - Pay Just $9 Once And Use Forever!

YES! Secure My Spot In Rank N Bank Now.