*These are my verified personal results with these A.I. Bots. Legally, I cannot guarantee you will do the same.

Hey, I'm Luther, and if you're looking for a reliable source of passive income, then you need to see this quick offer I have for you.

You see, for the past 18 months, I've been using A.I. bots to grow my affiliate business to over $150,000 a month in income, and I want to give you the opportunity to clone them all for just $5.

Anyone can use these bots to clone my business and earn their first commission, all with:

*These are my verified personal results with these A.I. Bots. Legally, I cannot guarantee you will do the same.

Who Am I and Why Should You Listen to Me?

My name is Luther Landro, and over the past 10 years, I've been quietly earning a full-time income with affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing is by far the greatest passive income source online.

There are no products to create, no customers to support, no inventory to manage, no merchant accounts to deal with...

You get paid a commission to sell other people's products over email.

Before A.I. exploded on the scene, I earned $50,000 a month in sales and commissions from affiliate and email marketing.

Here's a screenshot of my affiliate account from 2 years ago:

That Was Until November 30, 2022... The Day Everything Changed.

That was the day OpenAI released its A.I. app, ChatGPT. After spending just an hour playing with that chatbot, I knew the world would never be the same.

From that moment, I spent the next 18 months learning everything I could about these A.I. tools. I bought every training program, signed up for every service, and figured out new ways to automate my entire business.

The results speak for themselves...

Take a look at this most recent screenshot from one of my affiliate accounts:

Just 18 months after A.I. exploded on the scene, I was able to:

Now, frankly, I'm getting older. These days, I spend most of my time with family or on personal hobbies that I enjoy, and I work on my business for less than 10 hours a week.

The times when I do work hard, these A.I. tools multiply my efforts.

Check out the results I had back in April:

I was pulling in over $10,000 a day in sales using A.I. tools to leverage and multiply my hard work.

HINT: 100% of the sales you see above were generated through email and affiliate marketing... All automated and scaled thanks to AI.

With affiliate marketing, you are always just one good funnel away from 6 or even 7-figures in profit.

Regular Folks Are Earning 6-Figures Using A.I.

Through my coaching programs, I've helped countless students build 6-figure businesses from scratch:

One student pulled in over $8,000 his first month as an affiliate using my sales funnels:

*Student results are not typical, and legally, I cannot guarantee you will do the same. Your results could be better or worse.

The number one question I get asked by new students is:

How do I get started and earn my first affiliate commission check?

Trying to build sales funnels on your own can be intimidating and expensive.

Most of the time, newbies get overwhelmed trying to pick a product to promote, build a landing page, or write email sales copy and simply give up before they ever build their first profitable funnel.

Seeing beginners struggle with this again and again, I decided to do something about it.

I decided the best way to help beginners get started is to do all the work for you.

Taking all the A.I. tools I developed for my own 7-figure business and making them 'clone-able' in just 2 clicks...

...Then making it crazy affordable with an outrageous guarantee.

Introducing: The $5 A.I. Profit Bots

The $5 A.I. Profit Bots are proven A.I. scripts, prompts, and bots that anyone can clone in a few clicks to earn automated passive income.

I've packaged all the A.I. tools and strategies I've developed over the last 18 months so that anyone with no previous experience can use them to duplicate my results.

Let me show you just some of the bots I've included in this offer:

A.I. Profit Bot 1: Fast Cash Bot

The Fast Cash Bot is designed to generate affiliate commissions quickly, all with:

Check out my results from the last time I used this bot:

*These are my personal results. Legally, I can't guarantee you will do the same.

A.I. Profit Bot 2: Lead Generation Bot

The second bot I'm including is the very same bot I use to generate email leads in my business.

Building an email subscriber list is one of the big secrets to success in affiliate marketing.

It's easy to earn a passive income by mailing new product recommendations to your list every week for a commission (I'm willing to bet that you found this very letter from someone who emailed it to you).

The hard part, of course, is building that email subscriber list in the first place.

This A.I. bot automates the whole process:

A.I. Profit Bot 3: Niche Affiliate Bot

I'm also including my ClickBank automation bot, which has been generating commissions for me on the ClickBank affiliate network.

ClickBank offers products across several niches, such as health, fitness, hobbies, and manifestation, and I've been killing it with simple automated strategies.

Check out the results of my last ClickBank campaign in the health niche:

Now these are just 3 out of the dozens of bots I use in my affiliate business and in this offer you're getting them all.

All 23+ A.I. Bots I Use to Earn $150,000/Month For Just $5...

Take a look at just some of the bots I'm including in this massive collection:

Real People, Real Results

I regularly release new tools to my Landro Inner Circle members as well as the super affiliates who help me generate sales.

They are always the first to put these tools and strategies to the test, reporting back with incredible results:

*Results not typical. Your results could be better or worse.

The $5 A.I. Profit Works For Anyone.

If you're just starting out, use the Fast Cash A.I. bot to earn your first commission, then scale it quickly to $10,000 per month.

If you're already earning money as an affiliate, you can use my lead generation and funnel builder A.I. bots to scale your business to 7-figures.

If you're already a million-dollar super affiliate, these bots will allow you to grow your income while working a fraction of the time.

Why Just $5?

Now, it might seem crazy for me to give away my personal A.I. systems for just $5... and you're right... It is crazy.

Normally, I would sell Done-For-You systems like this for $297 on Warrior Plus or for $997 on webinars.

I've decided to offer this insane discount for 2 reasons:

1. To put my best foot forward.

I sell software, training, private coaching, and done-for-you sales funnels, and I want you to become a customer for life.

I feel if I can put my best foot forward and simply get you results, you'll have the proof and motivation you need to build a 6-figure affiliate business.

My hope is that you will take a portion of the money you earn with these AI profit Bots and invest it into MORE DFY sales funnels at my normal price of $297.

...And that you will join my partnership program to work together to scale your business.

2. I want you to become my affiliate.

I rely on affiliates to sell all my products.

Over the past 10 years, I've personally paid out over $2 million in commissions to my affiliate partners and want you to become one of them:

I'm hoping that as you build your affiliate business, you'll promote my offers to your email list in the future.

After all... Nearly all of my best affiliate partners started out as my students.

When you invest in one of my programs, you join the family.

Did I Mention These Crazy Super Bonuses?

Now to make sure you get the most out of these bots and become my next millionaire super affiliate, I'm including not 1... But 7 super bonuses when you secure your copy of the $5 A.I. Profit Bots.

Super Bonus 1: On-Demand Coaching

I recorded step-by-step instructions that take you by the hand and show you how to set up each A.I. bot in minutes.

I also included beginner training that gets you set up and earning your first commission so you can take advantage of all the A.I. tools in this program in 3 steps:

Step 1: Open your affiliate account step by step.

Step 2: Clone these A.I. tools in 2 clicks.

Step 3: Profit!

Building an affiliate business from scratch is not always easy, but I've made it as easy as possible.

Remember: These tools and strategies are proven to generate $10,000-$20,000 PER DAY in sales and commissions:

They are life-changing when you implement them in your own business.

Super Bonus 2: Done-For-You Sales Funnels

Now, to help get you started even faster, I'm giving you proven sales funnels that I generated with my Fast Cash A.I. bot.

You don't even have to use the A.I., just plug and play these funnels to start seeing results.

Take a look at my results when I used these sales funnels in my business:

I ran this funnel multiple times, each time pulling in over $10,000 on the same offer.

These funnels are yours to duplicate and put to work in your business.

Super Bonus 3: Over-The-Shoulder Case Study

In addition to providing you with converting sales funnels, I've recorded an over-the-shoulder training series to help you implement them.

Watch how I created these funnels using A.I., how I implemented them, and how I got the results you see above.

Follow along step by step to not only use these bonus funnels, but also create new ones yourself using the A.I. Bots.

Earn while you learn... Securing your financial future.

Super Bonus 4: A.I. Consulting Tools

In Super Bonus 4, I'm adding all the A.I. tools I use in my consulting business to this package.

These tools allow me to collect monthly fees from local businesses that need help with their online marketing.

Here are some of the tools I'm including in this bonus collection:

Client Outreach A.I. - Use this bot to create and send personalized sales messages to prospective clients (It's like having a full-time salesman selling your business 24/7).

Super Bonus 5: Outsourcer Rolodex

In super bonus 5, I'm providing you with a detailed list of all the outsourcers and contractors I use to run my business.

This guide is how to turn your online business into a 'zero-hour workday'.

Inside, you'll find a Rolodex of outsourcers who will do all the work for you, allowing you to reap the rewards without any work at all.

Super Bonus 6: Profit Calculator

I'm also including my affiliate profit calculator as my gift to you for investing in this affiliate program.

This is the exact same calculator I use every time I send a promotion to calculate my profit before I take any action.

Use it whenever you send an email, set up a funnel, or decide whether to promote a certain affiliate product.

Yours free when you invest in the $5 A.I. Profit Bots today.

Super Bonus 7: Millionaire Mindset Training

I've coached thousands of students over the years, many becoming multi-millionaires with their online businesses.

The biggest difference between students who succeed and those who don't is never the tools or strategies they use.

It's always their mindset.

In super bonus 7, I'm including a recorded version of the training I give all my high-ticket coaching students, 'the millionaire mindset.'

This training is not about some woo-woo meditation or fleeting motivational talk.

These are practical, real work tips on how to deal with anxiety, limiting beliefs, and procrastination.

I take a hard look at the real things holding back most people from success and give you the tools to overcome them rapidly and without effort.

Don't Decide Now... Take Advantage of My Unconditional Triple Guarantee.

I want to remove all the risk for you in trying out these AI bots.

Now legally, I can't guarantee that you will make any money. What I can guarantee is your satisfaction, and I'm doing that in not one, but 3 ways:

Just try these $5 Bots on me. I included links to free hosting and email marketing so it won't cost more than that.

If in the next 60 days these funnels dont generate the leads, sales, and profits you expected...

Or If you don't find this to be the easiest system you have ever set up...

Or even if you don't like how my voice sounds in the training video, any reason at all...

Just send me a support ticket and I'll send you back your $5.

You can even keep the bots and all the bonuses as my gift for trying them out.

You must act now however, as I am not keeping this crazy $5 offer open for long.

Here's Everything You Are Getting With The $5 A.I. Profit Bots:

Total Value of Everything



Get $5 A.I. Profit Bots At A Low One-Time Price

$97 monthly - Pay Just $5 Once And Use Forever!

YES! Secure My Spot In $5 Profit Funnel Now.

Warning: Limited Time Offer.

This $5 offer is only available for a limited time.

If you are on this page and the buy button is closed, please don't email my support desk asking for a copy, I need to be fair to the people who got in on this deal early.

Are You The Type Of Person To Jump On Opportunity When You See It?  

Look, right now, you have 3 choices:

Choice 1 you could do nothing and continue to let bills pile up while trying to build some consulting or Amazon FBA business that you know will never work for you.

Choice 2 you could take the information on this page and try it on your own. Sure, you might find success but only after years of failed trial and error.

Or Choice 3... the smart choice. Grab the $5 A.I. Profit Bots, follow the set up video to install them in 2 clicks and start profiting the very next day.

I know you'll make the only smart decision.


Luther Landro

P.S. Can you imagine waking up tomorrow KNOWING that your bills for next month are already paid? All because of a few emails you sent out the week before...

This feeling of security comes from one thing: Action. You must take action on this in order to see results. Take 30 minutes each day for the next 30 days to go through the training and follow the instructions.

Some days will be simple goal setting and motivation exercises; some will have you setting up lead magnets, others will have you sending affiliate emails.

By the end of the month, you will have built a steady stream of income that you can rely on for the rest of your life.

Get $5 A.I. Profit Bots At A Low One-Time Price

$97 monthly - Pay Just $5 Once And Use Forever!

YES! Secure My Spot In $5 Profit Funnel Now.


Q: How do I access My purchase?

A: Our products are delivered by the affiliate network Warrior Plus. You can access all your purchases here.

Q: What is the $5 A.I. Profit Bots?

A: The $5 A.I. Profit Bots is a collection of over 20 AI scripts, prompts, and bots that I have used to build my $150,000/month affiliate marketing business.

Q: Is this something I've seen before?

A: No! Most of these bots NEVER been revealed publicly. The traffic source, email lead sources, sales strategies, and affiliate offers have all been private information between myself and my high-ticket coaching students until now.

Q: Is this really newbie friendly?

A: 100%! This coaching program was designed with newbies in mind. I'll take you by the hand and walk you through every step of setting this up, assuming no prior knowledge or experience.

Q: How exactly does this work?

A: Once you join the $5 A.I. Profit Bots you'll have access to every AI system I use in my business. Follow the included training video to duplicate these funnels into your free account and start earning profits.

Q: Does this include free traffic?

A: Yes! I've included every free traffic source and free traffic AI that I use in my own business.

Q: How much do I need to spend out of pocket?

A: $5! There are no additional costs to get started with these bots, in fact I have dedicated an entire section on how to get everything you need at no cost. There are some applications and services you can pay for to speed things up and scale, however they are not needed to get started using your funnels.

Q: Are there any upsells?

A: The $5 A.I. Profit Bots contain everything you need to achieve the results described on this page, and no additional purchases are necessary. After checkout you will have the option to purchase additional products from me to help you achieve results even faster, and scale beyond $10k/month however the are not necessary to see results.

Q: How much can I make with this?

A: Legally we can't guarantee that you make any money with this as most people won't put it into action. That said, you can build your email marketing business to any level you want. Have a small list that makes just enough to quit your job, pay your bills, and have some play money, OR scale your list to tens of thousands of buyers and make millions when you follow the steps I give you.

Q: How long until I start making money using this?

A: How long it takes depends entirely on how fast you are willing to put this into action.

Q: Do you offer a money-back guarantee?

A: YES! You have a full 60 days to try this out for yourself. If you are not completely 100% satisfied, for any reason at all, just send me a quick email with the word refund, and I'll send you back every penny. No hassles, no questions.

Q: How do I get instant access to this?

A: After you click the buy button and complete the checkout, you will get immediate access to the member's area, where you can access everything listed, as well as a few more surprise bonuses I have for you.

Q: Can I do this form any country?

A: Yes! The affiliate networks in this challenge pay directly into your bank or paypal account to anywhere in the world.

Get $5 A.I. Profit Bots At A Low One-Time Price

$97 monthly - Pay Just $5 Once And Use Forever!

YES! Secure My Spot In $5 Profit Funnel Now.